Li Dian handed in a post before.


Instead of reaching out to pick it up, the housekeeper looked at Li Dian, an ordinary servant who had already changed, with eyes that saw through hundreds of people in the Jianghu.
Qiushui Mountain Villa is a descendant of Guyue clan.
Although the names of the four mountain villas are not as famous as the sages sitting in the Jiange Pavilion of the Imperial League, they are also the first-class forces in the Jianghu. Is it unusual to come to the place just because of scattered repairs?
This housekeeper named Qian has been in the government for decades, and people from all walks of life have seen many people who have cultivated advanced skills and respected their status. He can recognize it at a glance.
Li Dian saw that the housekeeper secretly showed disdain for her eyes and regretted not paying too much attention when changing clothes, which really shouldn’t have left the mistress in such a cold place.
Naihe took out some silver and secretly handed it over.
The housekeeper named Qian brightened her eyes and saw the rich sycee. Suddenly, she smiled and emerged. After secretly hiding the sycee, she gave a gift to An Hongdou. "Please tell the owner when you wait a little."
Chapter XII Moon Cicada
The housekeeper surnamed Qian led Ahn Hongdou into the manor.
There are many laurels in the garden of Qiushui Villa. Although the flowers are flying all over the sky, the strange scenery is also quiet and elegant. It is very fragrant and refreshing all the way.
"Take a break for a while, you two. The landlord will finish the guests later."
"A paid housekeeper"
Ann red bean Li Dian entered the hall and waited for the money manager to glance at the static burning fragrance of the sitting room table sweetmeats and then recede.
A moment later, two maids came with tea and then quietly retreated.
Spacious and chic sitting room, Yu’ an Hongdou looked around.
Tiannan architecture is different from other places. The decoration of cornices, carved windows, walls and tiles is exquisite. Unlike Tiandong or Zhongzhou, the high walls and blue tiles are really resistant to the wind and rain, but what you see is just right.
Look, Ann, red beans, autumn water, dark eyes and appreciation.
The mind returns to this pretty nose and smells faint fragrance coming along the way. The laurel is different. This fragrance has an indescribable taste.
An red bean looked curiously at the strange table sweetmeats and frowned slightly.
Li Dian is one of the few early members of Yan Lingwei. He used to be the sharpest night spear in Dayan Empire. He has eyes as sharp as an eagle.
At the moment when Anhoudou frowned slightly, he realized that the mistress was secretly sending messages and holding her breath.
Cicada, who is about 100 years old but looks puzzled, is the contemporary owner of Qiushui Villa.
He has always been extremely cautious. He didn’t worry about taking the initiative to send prey into the jaws of the tiger. He waited for a full incense before slowly changing into a slender blue shirt and showing up with a well-chosen sword and slave.
Moon cicada with more than 20 villa master qi qi appeared.
At the moment he appeared, he besieged the hall road with Ahn Hongdou and Li Dian.
Breeze floating laurel treetops
Suddenly, it’s so charming that there shouldn’t be murderous look in the weather.
The blade of the villa is shining and the sword is cold.

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